Sometimes there may not be room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth and, as they start to come through, they push against the teeth already there or may start to come through at an angle. When this happens, you might feel some pain or discomfort, so the best thing to do is to visit us.

We will probably take an x-ray of your mouth to see how - or if - your wisdom teeth are coming through. From this, we will be able to make a judgement on whether or not to take them out. A specialist on call oral surgeon will then, with no pain at all remove the tooth, if necessary so that you don’t have to suffer from pain any longer.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

The third molars, known simply as wisdom teeth, erupt between the ages of 17 and 21 years old. The average person's mouth will comfortably hold 28 of the 32 teeth we are predisposed to have. Since the wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, there is often little room left to accommodate their size.